Make $100,000 to $200,000 a year writing for high-paying b-to-b, industrial, and high-tech clients that 99% of copywriters have never even heard of.
Dear Copywriter:
I'm different than most of the freelance copywriters out there today ... and you can be, too.
It's a difference that can lead the way for you to make $200,000 a year or more as a freelance copywriter.
You'll do it in an under-served copywriting niche that is refreshingly free of hype -- and where the hard-sell is not terribly welcome.
In this copywriting niche, your clients are marketing professionals at real companies with serious products and the money to promote them - not some guy who wants to pay you pocket change to sell his little e-book.
You'll be writing about fascinating products in challenging marketing situations that intellectually engage you.
You'll be working with substantial, ethical, financially stable companies.
These corporations pay top dollar to their creative vendors -- and if you do a good job, you'll be rewarded with lucrative repeat assignments for as long as you want them.
I'm talking, of course, about writing for business-to-business, industrial, and high-tech clients - known collectively as "B2B."
A market I know like the back of my hand
Most of the big-name freelance copywriters today specialize mainly in hard-sell direct marketing, fundraising, financial, health care, and Internet marketing of information products.
Many of them have little or no experience writing for B2B clients ... and wouldn't know how if asked.
But I "grew up" in business-to-business marketing....
In the late 70s and early 80s, I was on the marketing staff of two B2B companies - first a defense electronics contractor, and then a manufacturer of industrial equipment.
And I've been writing brochures, trade ads, sales letters, and other B2B promotions - first offline and now online - for nearly 3 decades.
I've had a boatload of fun, and still love the challenge of figuring out how to market a system, machine, software, or other B2B product or service.
And while I don't make the kind of money that Michael Masterson or Clayton Makepeace rake in, I haven't done badly focusing on B2B....
My annual income is typically $600,000 to $700,000 -- and I became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in my 30s.
My copywriting clients include IBM, Grumman, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, Praxair, Swiss Bank, AlliedSignal, McGraw-Hill, Medical Economics, Intuit, and dozens of other equally prestigious accounts.
Secrets of getting started as a
B2B copywriter revealed at last!
Now, in our e-book, Writing High-Tech and B2B Copy for Fun & Profit, copywriter Frank Eaton and I give you our insider's perspective on how to find, get, and successfully write for B2B, high-tech, and industrial copywriting clients.
- 10 keys to writing compelling sales copy for high-tech products. Page 146.
- 15 things today's B2B clients are looking for when hiring a freelance copywriter. Page 109.
- Why there is much less competition in B2B than B2C copywriting. Page 5.
- 6 ways to write more powerful and persuasive B2B product brochures. Page 23.
- Make up to $10,000 per assignment writing annual reports for publicly traded B2B corporations. Page 17.
- 4 keys to creating effective branding for B2B products and services. Page 22.
- Make money writing for aerospace ... IT ... biotechnology ... nanotechnology ... and many other B2B industries. Starts on page 6.
- 5 new developments in B2B marketing you must know about to be an effective copywriter today. Page 10.
- Key differences in writing B2B vs. consumer promotions every copywriter should know. Page 94.
- 23 lucrative B2B copywriting projects companies want to hire you to write for them. Page 11.
- Who should you contact in a B2B company about writing copy for them as a freelancer? The answer may surprise you. Page 12.
- 10 tips for writing more effective industrial print advertising. Page 14.
- Conducting a SWOT Analysis of your client's competition and writing the analysis. Page 31.
- 10 ways to write more effective B2B catalog copy. Page 26.
- Power strategies for writing marketing materials to sell high-tech products. Page 98.
- 6 questions you absolutely must ask your client before you sit down to write their B2B copy. Page 96.
- How to write B2B copy your clients will absolutely love. Page 110.
- 5 steps to crafting effective case studies for B2B clients. Page 28.
- How to market and promote your freelance copywriting services to B2B and high-tech prospects. Page 112.
- 10 proven techniques for doubling leads and inquiries from B2B direct mail campaigns. Page 34.
- What's working in B2B e-mail marketing today? Page 36.
- 7 steps to creating a winning company newsletter for your B2B clients. Page 38.
- Easy way to improve your cash flow and make sure your copywriting invoice gets paid on time. Page 108.
- 16 proven techniques for getting B2B copywriting clients to hire you. Page 117.
- Which B2B companies make the best copywriting clients - Fortune 500 corporations, midsize companies, or small business? Page 115.
- 7 strategies for marketing B2B products and services online by writing and publishing a free e-zine. Page 40.
- Why you need a "copywriting information kit" ... and what to put in it. Page 118.
- How to write and produce winning podcasts for your B2B and high-tech clients. Page 42.
- 3 ways to differentiate yourself and stand out from other B2B copywriters you compete with. Page 125.
- How to make six figures as a freelance B2B copywriter this year. Page 126.
- 28 common copywriting assignments -- and what to charge for each. Page 130.
- Should you be a B2B specialist - or work in a specific niche industry or marketing technique? Page 122.
- Secrets of successful B2B public relations campaigns. Page 46.
- 10 things you should include in your copy when writing a product spec sheet for a technology product. Page 49.
- Conducting your "pre-writing" product and market research. Page 102.
- The 5 types of "sales collateral" B2B marketers need ... and how to make money writing each. Page 53.
- Interviewing and working with SMEs (subject matter experts) to get the product information you need to write your copy. Page 103.
- 10 proven methods for creating effective PowerPoint presentations for your client's sales force. Page 57.
- What to do when the client doesn't like your copy. Page 104.
- 5 most common mistakes in search engine optimization (SEO) and how to avoid them. Page 59.
- The #1 rule of freelance B2B copywriting. Ignore it at your peril. Page 101.
- 10 tips for helping B2B clients cash in on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other social media. Page 63.
- How to prepare for a B2B copywriting assignment. Page 100.
- 12 ideas for ghostwriting stellar speeches for corporate executives and managers. Page 67.
- Promoting B2B products with free tele-seminars. Page 71.
- The 10 most common freelance copywriting mistakes and how to avoid each. Page 135.
- Shortcuts for getting quickly up-to-speed in a complex new industry or technology that you find tough to understand. Page 106.
- 12 questions that must be answered in the B2B sales literature you write - and the correct answer to each. Page 99.
- Writing, designing, and producing trade show booths, displays, exhibits, and signage. Page 75.
- 10 ways to make your B2B copy more credible and believable. Page 107.
- Create buzz online with viral video and other "word of mouth" marketing online at virtually no cost. Page 79.
- 5 helpful suggestions for scripting Webinars for B2B companies. Page 84.
- How to write content pages for your B2B client's Web site. Page 86.
- Ideal word length for white papers. See page 90.
- The top 20 B2B mailers. Plus: how to have more fun and build your B2B copywriting career. Starts on page 132.
Order now and save $20
Writing High Tech and B2B Copy for Fun & Profit is no skimpy little 40-page e-book with lots of white space and giant double-spaced type - you know the kind I'm talking about.
It's a detailed, meaty, information-packed guide to B2B copywriting that prints out at a hefty 144 pages - well worth the cover price of $59.
But for a limited time only, I'm offering Writing B2B Copy for Fun & Profit at a special rate of just $39.
That's less than I charge for just 15 minutes of my time - and a savings of $20 off the list price.
However, $39 is the price you pay only if our instructions help you launch a successful career as a freelance business-to-business copywriter.
If they don't, this program will cost you zero. Zilch. Nothing. Nada.
That's because I invite you to...
Use it risk-free for 90 days
That's right.
If Writing B2B Copy for Fun & Profit doesn't help you land at least $4,000 in new B2B copywriting projects (more than 100X the purchase price) within the next 3 months alone ...
Or you are not 100% satisfied for any reason ... or for no reason at all ...
Just let me know within 90 days for a full and prompt refund. And keep the e-book free, with my compliments.
That way, you risk nothing.
So what are you waiting for?
To examine Writing High-Tech and B2B Copy for Fun & Profit for 90 days risk-free, just click below now:
Bob Bly
P.S. FREE Bonus Gift! Order today and you get a valuable FREE 51-page Bonus Report, Secrets of Successful Business-to-Business Direct Marketing (list price: $29).
In it, you'll learn:
- 6 little-known secrets of marketing to engineers - page 24.
- How to write more effective sales brochures for B2B products - page 35.
- 29 great story ideas for the next issue of your client's e-zine or company newsletters - page 41.
- 50 ways to double the sales leads and inquiries generated by your copy - page 20.
- The one thing business buyers are looking for in B2B products that most marketers forget to include in their copy - page 8.
- 10 tips for writing more effective industrial advertising - page 28.
- 23 great ideas for increasing response to your next B2B direct mail campaign - page 12.
- And so much more....
To order Writing B2B Copy for Fun & Profit ... and get your FREE Bonus Report ... click below now:

A copywriter for more than a quarter of a century, Bob has written promotions for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, Intuit, Passlogix, Isogon Software, and AlliedSignal.
Bob is the author of over 95 books including The Copywriter's Handbook (Henry Holt) and Business-to-Business Direct Marketing (NTC Business Books). He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Successful Meetings, Direct, Business Marketing, Writer's Digest, and Amtrak Express.
Bob's writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association, and AWAI 2007 Copywriter of the Year. He has also taught marketing at New York University.
Mr. Bly has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation's Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer.
about Bob Bly
"One of the best copywriters in the business."
--Michael Meanwell, author, "The Wealthy Writer
"Bob Bly is one of the most successful copywriters in the world. I've used his services and purchased a lot of his materials -- and always profited from both."
--Bob Serling, President, Idea Quotient
"Considered one of the best copywriters in the country."
--David E. Wright, President, International Speakers Network
"There's no better copywriter than Robert W. Bly, the man I call the 'King of Copy.' He can teach you more about the art and science of marketing than anyone I know."
--Richard Dean Starr
"20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier."
--Ken McCarthy
"For over 25 years, Bob Bly has set the gold standard in results-oriented business-to-business writing."
--Roger C. Parker, author, Looking Good in Print
"Perhaps the most famous copywriter of all."
--Apryl Duncan
"When it comes to educating his fellow copywriters and marketers, Bob Bly is the master."
--Dianna Huff
"Bob . . . Just got the copy and advertisement you did for my new book . . . It's great! You are good! Great job . . . you have tremendous insights into what excites and what sells!"
--Don Libey, Libey Incorporated
"In my opinion, you are the best copywriter in the software industry."
--Judy MacDonald, Director of Marketing, Direct Response
"I've spoken to a thousand copywriters over the years and Bob Bly is the best. He knows what he's doing."
--Joe Culotta, Natural Medicine Co.
"I am happy to report to you that your piece outproduced the 4 other packages we tested against it. I want to talk to you about another project...."
--Nick Roumi, Pacific Coast Funding
"The original ad insert of 'Wall Street's Loss is Your Gain' continues to kick butt -- pulls 12 to 15 subscriptions a week. Not bad for a $500 investment made 5 months ago."
--Charles Mizrahi, Stealth Stocks
"As a marketing professional, for 17 years I wrote my own promotional material. But I am not a professional copywriter. It wasn't until I took my own advice that I started getting the results I deserved. With Bob Bly, I got what I wanted - in the promised time frame - with re-writes - and the results I wanted. Thanks Bob!"
--Mark Amtower, Amtower & Company
"I found your ad copy compelling, powerful ... even entertaining. You really communicated the 'feel' of the message we are selling. Thanks for such great work, Bob!"
--Ashley Earnhardt Aiken, Thomas Nelson Publishers
"Bob wrote the most ballsy ad in the history of Dynamic Changes and it set sales records this fall. People couldn't stop themselves from responding."
--Richard Scheffren, Dynamic Changes Hypnosis
"Last year you did all the copy on the What Would Jesus Eat brochure. It was wonderful and I believe is one of the reasons that the book continues to do so very well.
--Pamela Clements, Thomas Nelson Publishers
"A special thanks to Bob for doing a superb job and making this work so well. I felt like a brilliant puppet in your hands."
--Michael Masterson, AWAI
"Even though he refuses to admit it, Bob is THE Direct Marketing guru...or, at the very least, he's mine."
--Jill Perri, American Consultants League
"I am thrilled with your package, it is doing great -- will roll out as the control."
--Chris Gast, Intuit
"Great job on the Turnaround Report; it's been a huge success. We've had an incredible product launch, with hundreds of free trials in the first week."
--Marc Stockman,
"Just to let you know we have been using your 8 ways letter and brochure that you did for us last year with great success. We decided to double our monthly direct mailing. Things are really taking off. I can only attribute that to our increased direct mail program. Thank you for helping us get an effective package together."
--Ray Hardee, Engineered Software, Inc.
"Your e-mail to promote ETR pulled double the response and three times the gross revenue of the control, with a 45% increase in average order size."
--Lisa Bruette, Agora Inc.
"We're very pleased! The piece you wrote has at 43 days resulted in 204 orders and 165% ROI. I have submitted a new mail plan for a rollout for 200,000+ pieces. You'll be getting a royalty payment for this."
--George Rayburn, The Dan Ferris Power Report
"It was a pleasure to work with you. Your stuff just works. You are the best money I've ever spent. Thanks a million!"
--Gail Coopersmith, Coopersmith List Consultants
"Your copy was right on target and played a major role in one of our most successful new product launches."
--Joan Damico, GretagMacbeth
"We're still running both projects you did for us last time. They're still pulling. Great stuff.
--John Leper, Stanford International
"The first four times your half-page, 2-color ad ran in Chemical Engineering, it was the highest inquiry generating ad in the magazine. It even outscored full pages and spreads."
--Bob Berner, Robert K. Berner Associates
"We still are using [the package you did for us]. It still beats all challengers to the control."
--Mark Friedman, Medical Economics
"Potence insert is looking good, currently projected to achieve a 3.64% response with a $60 (three units of purchase) average order."
--Glory Kneass, Drs. Preferred
"The Internet direct mail you wrote for us got an excellent response: 7.55% from a rented list of hard-to-excite prospects."
--Ken Paston, Studebaker-Worthington Leasing Corp.
"Bob, since working with you last fall on the plan to position Unique Truck as a source for all shop equipment, we have cut our catalog mailings 60% with no drop in sales. I look forward to a long relationship."
--Dick Stillwell, President, Unique Truck
"Sizzling stuff... very compelling... top shelf. Thanks for your quick turnaround."
--Patrick Kephart, MasterMedia
"All who reviewed your copy agreed it was terrific. Certainly it's the best DM copy I've ever had to work with, because you've hit the rare combination of good writing and a good knowledge of what you are writing about."
--Lois DeLong, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
"The copy is very good and certainly a fresh improvement on what we've done in the past. Thanks again for your help... the campaign was very successful."
--Scott Thompson, Federal Employees Almanac
"Congratulations. Your Forecasts & Strategies 'Internet Infrastructure' package is a winner... your piece is doing almost twice as good as our 'Y2K Sample Issue' mailing. I am looking forward to working with you again in the future."
--Chris Marett, Phillips Publishing
"Bob Bly, our marketing consultant, helped us produce over 8% response in less than 2 months after we started a marketing campaign. Not only did we get good numbers, we got inquiries from the cream of the crop on our target list. And, we generated about 350% increase in dollar business over the previous year."
--Sheila M. Anderson, President, Commercial Property Services
"The advanced renewal you wrote for Utility Forecaster is doing great! Mailed 4/29... 5.2% response (as of 5/27) and an average sale of $116. Thanks!"
--Lori Bethea, KCI Communications
"Your #10 direct mail package for Sarnoff's Samurai Strategies has beat the pants off the control by more than 3 to 1. Congratulations and keep up the good work!"
--David Yale, M&PA
"The letter is good... approximately 10% responded."
--Stephen S. Flaum, Flaum Consultants
"Here is a contract for four separate direct mail packages. The More Than a Gut Feeling for Sales direct mail package is getting an excellent response—a very big thank you for your help on that project."
--Tiffan Yamen, American Media
"The direct mail package looks great! Thanks!"
--Tammy Ray, Marketing Director, McGraw-Hill Book Clubs
"You sure write powerful copy!"
--Fred Weiss, Studebaker-Worthington Leasing Corp.
"Bly Rules!"
--Murray Raphel, Raphel Marketing
"Mr. Copy."
--Markus Allen, Publisher
"There is no greater authority on business-to-business direct response copywriting than Bob Bly. What impresses me most about Bob Bly is his knack for making things clear and simple."
--Scott Miller
"Bob Bly is among the most accomplished self-employed copywriters in recent years."
--Steve Slaunwhite
"Bob Bly is probably the best business-to-business, high tech. industrial, direct marketing copywriter in the country."
--John Clausen
"Perhaps the most famous copywriter of them all."
--The Writer
"[A] freelance writing dynamo...."
--Writer's Digest
"One of the great copywriters in the direct marketing industry...."
--Ruth Stevens, author, The DMA Lead Generation Handbook
"...[a] copywriting giant..."
--Freelance Writer's Report